4 Simple Ways to Maintain Your 2021 Resolutions
It’s a new year, which means time to set some new goals! We prefer the word goals over resolutions, because resolutions can be a bit daunting. If you mess up once, you’ve “failed” and hope to do better next year. This mindset is all wrong. Here are four simple tips to help you reach your goals in 2021!
Set smaller goals instead of one big goal. Trying to set a goal to run a marathon in two months when you’ve never ran a day in your life or aiming to read 100 books in year can be a bit cumbersome. We’re not saying you shouldn’t aim high, but sometimes it’s easier to achieve your goals when you start out a little smaller. If you want to run more, maybe start with trying to go further each time you run, or focusing on shaving some time off. If you want to read more books, try to read one or two more in a month than you did the month prior. These milestones will give you the confidence to continue towards your overall bigger resolution.
Treat yourself when you make small gains. When setting goals, make sure that you’re celebrating those small successes to keep you going towards those long-term resolutions. If you are focused on eating healthier this year and have been on track all month, reward yourself with a sweet treat. If you’ve been focused on saving money as a resolution and are doing an awesome job, buy yourself a Starbucks coffee. Having those moments of celebration will encourage you to continue, instead of being so strict that you fall off the wagon and never get back on.
Keep your resolutions in an easy to see spot. Writing down your resolutions or goals, and having them in eyesight will be a constant reminder to keep going! They don’t say “out of sight, out of mind” for nothing. Jot down your goals each week in your planner, put them on a post-it note on the mirror, or somewhere else you look every day.
Give yourself some grace. Whatever your resolution, know that there are days where you might mess up. That’s okay! Nobody’s perfect. It’s more important how you handle the aftermath of the mess-up. If you are trying to put healthier eating habits in place and end up giving into that sweet tooth all weekend, don’t despair! If you are trying to spend less time on social media, and the next thing you know it’s three hours later and you’re stalking your high school ex boyfriend’s sister’s kids, rest assured we’ve all been there! Recognize that you had a moment of indulgence, and then tell yourself that you can do better and move past it.
In some instances, you may want to remove the temptations to make it easier to achieve your goals. Throw away all those sweets to keep them from calling your name at midnight when you’re craving a snack. Or delete the Facebook app off of your phone to make it harder to get to get to the social media platform.
While New Year’s resolutions have always been around, 2021 feels different. This year is so full of hope and encouragement, and we are excited to achieve our goals, whatever they may be!