Buzz Franchise Brands

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March’s Employee of the Month is Our Lucky Charm!

Congratulations to our March Employee of the Month, Chandler Worrell! Chandler joined the Buzz Franchise Brands team in August of 2021 as the Direct Mail Marketing Assistant, and has been instrumental in the success of the direct mail program since joining the team.

Chandler has been an absolute rockstar at taking on the various spreadsheets, scheduling, and processes that make up the different moving parts of the direct mail program. Maintaining every mail piece across each of our brand’s locations requires extreme organization and diligence, and Chandler not only does it well, but makes it look effortless (which it definitely isn’t!). Her calm and easygoing demeanor is welcoming to franchisees, who share positive feedback on a regular basis about getting the pleasure to work with her. Her corporate teammates feel the same way and have even described her as the “flyest girl in the office.”

In addition to her strong work ethic and skills, her ability to connect with people, and her overall positive energy, she’s also dedicated to our core company value of having fun. Chandler recently joined the Sanity Control Committee, where she helps plan monthly team bonding events that provide a chance for the office to get to know each other better and have a little fun to celebrate the hard work dedicated to our franchise owners each day. Chandler’s also known as the most spirited employee at the office, taking every opportunity to decorate to celebrate the current holiday. Most recently, she and the rest of the Sanity Control Committee hosted a St. Patrick’s Day themed happy hour, where we had a record turnout of employees and no shortage of green themed food and drink.

Here’s what one of her coworkers had to say about working with Chandler. "Chandler is an essential and valued member of our Shared Services/Direct Mail team. In just over a year, Chandler has acted with purpose as she has worked to establish relationships with our owners, brand team members and our vendors, has been curious and innovative with our weekly summary reporting, leads with integrity as the point person for our direct mail and digital integration, works with a servant's heart as she empowers and serves our franchisees, and last but not least, she loves to have fun as 'Decorator #1' when it comes to spreading the holiday spirit." 

More About Chandler

Chandler’s a local to the Virginia Beach area and graduated from Old Dominion University with a degree in business admin/marketing. When not dominating the direct mail program, Chandler enjoys going to the beach, breweries, concerts, and music festivals. Here are a few fun facts about Chandler to help you get to know her even better!

If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
I would want to be a White Tiger, I have always thought they were so beautiful. I also feel like the jungle would be the best place to live as an animal, so much room for freedom!

If you could visit any place in the world, where would you choose to go and why?  
I would love to visit Tokyo someday. The fashion, food, and overall culture would be amazing to experience.

What are your favorite hobbies? 
Anything live music related, such as going to concerts and music festivals. I love getting to travel to new places while also getting to see so many musical artists. One of my other favorite things to do is go to the beach, especially if I can make it in time to see the sunrise. 

If could have an endless supply of any food, what would it be?
It would definitely be soup... but specifically pho. It has been my favorite food for years and I have never gotten tired of it. 


Thank you, Chandler, for the hard work you put in every day, your willingness to serve others, and your overall fly-ness.