Buzz Franchise Brands

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Our Fearless Franchise Development Rockstar

Congratulations to our January Employee of the Month, Dave Warn! Dave joined the BFB family back in August of 2019, although it feels like he’s been here since the beginning. Dave jumped right into his role of Director of Franchise Development confidently and effortlessly. Dave does a wonderful job of connecting with people, which is a huge part of his role in partnering with people looking for franchise opportunities. 

Over the past year especially, Dave has been a rock star, being a key player in the expansion and growth of our brands. No one had any idea the challenges that would face the world of franchise development (and just about everything else) in the coming months, but Dave did an incredible job of doing the work, having endless conversations, and maintaining a positive attitude through the difficult times. We’ve had a great year of growth to show for it! 

More Reasons Rockstar Dave is Employee of the Month

Over the past two and a half years, Dave has not only done a great job cultivating strong connections with people looking to jump into business ownership and with consultants, but with the corporate franchise development team and the BFB family as a whole.

Dave’s dynamic energy perfectly complements the passion and drive of the larger franchise development group. The collective group is passionate about sharing our brands and vision with people looking to fulfill their dreams of business ownership, and it wouldn’t be possible without Dave as a core member of the team. With such a strong and capable group dedicated to franchise development, our growth has been more significant than year’s past, and only continues to accelerate.

One of the reasons Dave is so good at what he does is his ability to connect with people. He’s great at listening to candidate’s wants, dreams and hesitations when pursuing business ownership, and enjoys helping them navigate through the process to figure out if they’d be a good fit for our brands. He’s patient and informative, so that people don’t feel like they’re being pushed into an opportunity and can ask him anything.

Here’s what one of Dave’s coworkers had to say.

"Dave has been leading the charge with our Franchise Development results.  He stepped into a challenging resale situation with both feet and has a promising group to take over one of the best areas of the country. His positive attitude and relationships with candidates and consultants are contagious. 2022 is going to be a great year for BFB Franchise Development and Dave is going to be a big part of it!"

 Get to Know Dave Better

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten? Earthworms while fishing and pocketed $100.00.

If you had to describe yourself using three words, it would be… Rock and roll!

Who is your hero? My Mom - A real superhero.

Thank you Dave for all that you do. The company wouldn’t be where it’s at without you as a foundational member of force behind our growth. We look forward to seeing what 2022 brings. Rock and roll!