Buzz Franchise Brands

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A 10 Year Anniversary Celebration to Remember

We’ve only been celebrating for the past 6 months, but in case you haven’t heard, Buzz Franchise Brands turned 10 this year! To celebrate in true Buzz fashion, we hosted a party at the office in September with the corporate team and their families, as well as a few key investors and key partners who have been involved with Buzz Franchise Brands over the years. We wanted to thank everyone who’s been involved, since this milestone truly couldn’t be possible without the team behind the company.

Kicking Things Off

To kick off the festivities, CEO Kevin Wilson addressed the Buzz Franchise Brands corporate team, sharing a few laugh-worthy memories over the years and recognizing those who have been with the team since the very beginning. He reflected on how far the company has come, everything that has been thrown at the company, and his big plans for the next 10 years.

The Main Event

The party officially kicked off at 5pm when friends, family, and business partners joined at the Buzz Franchise Brands office. The food and drink options were plentiful, with food catered by Gourmet Gang and a grand wine selection compliments of Kevin.  

There was a slideshow with pictures from the past 10 years displayed in the café, as well as a video of the original leadership team sharing some of their favorite memories on loop in one of our conference rooms. And what party would be complete without a photo booth? Guests also received a Yeti wine tumbler to remember the event, because of course we had to include a wine-themed party favor.

A highlight of the event was hearing from Kevin to address the larger group about his appreciation for everyone in the room that has worked with Buzz Franchise Brands in some capacity over the years, and his vision for the future. President and COO Brian Garrison also addressed the group and shared memories and milestones over the years. The leadership team then gifted Kevin with an award and gift highlighting a photo for each of the past 10 years to acknowledge their appreciation and support for Kevin’s leadership that made everything possible.

 The event was a memorable one for sure, and added another memory for the Buzz Franchise Brands team to reflect back on at the next anniversary party. Check out the video recap event from the 10-year anniversary party below! And to enjoy more of the celebrations and highlights from our celebrating all year, we put together this 10-year anniversary playlist on YouTube.

Cheers to 10 years of Buzz Franchise Brands, and to many more to come! We can’t wait to see the milestones in store for us at our 20 year anniversary party!