Get to Know the Franchise Development Team


Buzz Franchise Brands is having its best year from a franchise development perspective, having brought in 28 new franchisees across all brands so far this year, and we’re not even halfway through 2023! This wouldn’t be possible without our stellar franchise development team putting in the time and dedication to meet with prospective owners to help them find a brand that aligns with their goals. There are countless hours of facilitating introductions and calls, fostering relationships, getting to know each person’s unique background, answering many questions, and guiding them to the path that fits with their lifestyle. Our franchise development representatives put in the work to ensure that franchise owners and Buzz Franchise Brands can develop a mutual partnership that’s beneficial for both groups and will bring both parties success.

We’ve had several new team members join the franchise development family in the past year. Get to know the entire team to better understand the faces that share our brands’ stories with those pursuing franchise ownership.

Our Franchise Development Team Members

Dave Warn

Dave Warn joined Buzz Franchise Brands in 2019, and has done an excellent job of helping people realize their dreams ever since. Prior to joining Buzz, Dave served as vice president of franchise development at his previous job, and was also in franchise development at several companies before that. His years of experience have helped him gain valuable skills in not only the ins and outs of franchising, but in strong communication when it comes to people’s goals and values to best align them with a brand that fits their specific criteria.

Austin James

Austin James has been with Buzz Franchise Brands since 2018, but transitioned into his role of  director of franchise development in 2021. Building up his background and knowledge in each brand and growing into his franchise development role was the perfect foundation to give him the skill set that he now uses with each conversation he has with candidates. Austin is passionate about our brands, and is able to relay that passion with each conversation he has.

Rita Iglesias

Rita Iglesias joined the franchise development team in August 2022. After years of working in the hospitality industry, she had the opportunity to enter franchising in 2010 by joining an emerging health food franchise. Business ownership was familiar territory as the daughter of immigrants who fulfilled some of their American dreams through business ownership. Guiding someone who has decided to take the journey into franchising and helping them reach the final destination where they excitedly become a business owner is extremely rewarding for Rita.

Matthew Karahalios

Matthew Karahalios also joined Buzz in August 2022. Growing up in his family’s restaurant and catering business, Matthew’s life was molded by first-hand experience inside a small business. His ability to keep his cool and solve problems quickly in a fast-paced environment comes naturally. He joined the franchise development team with a strong background, having held sales positions with a powersports manufacturer and most recently a multi-brand franchisor, where he helped the brand grow from 125 locations to 330 locations across 40 states.

Matt cullen

Matt Cullen joined the Buzz Franchise Brands crew in February as our franchise development coordinator. Matt plays an instrumental role in franchise development, supporting the entire franchise development team across all brands with coordinating franchise agreements and territory maps, and helping keep all other supporting documentation up to date such as Franchise Disclosure Documents. This role requires an extreme level of organization and thoroughness, and Matt does it effortlessly, keeping the franchise development wheel turning.

To help you get to know our franchise development team better, watch the first episode of our second season of What’s the Buzz on Franchising, where our franchise development team will answer a series of This or That questions!

We are so grateful for our franchise development powerhouse crew. They put in some of the longest hours of our entire company, but it’s well worth it to see people find the perfect path to business ownership. We couldn’t do it without them!

Buzz Franchise Brands