Buzz Franchise Brands

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Our Favorite Christmas Gift Is Employee of the Month Edward!

Congratulations to our December Employee of the Month, Edward Barham! Edward is a Senior Business Analyst who joined the BFB family back in July of 2019 and has been improving company processes ever since he started.

Edward works across all three of our brands to collect data that tells stories of how our brands are doing on a regular basis. This data is key to a large portion of the big decisions made. Edward has done an amazing job over the past couple years of streamlining processes and creating new dashboards in our data management platform to make this information easier to understand and more accessible. We now have an improved and more efficient way to compare data apples to apples in order to make educated decisions to help our franchisees.

 The Brains Behind the Operation

Edward has always been committed to making processes better and being proactive about ways to better serve the company through his data savvy skills. When not knee-deep in Excel pivot tables and Tableau dashboards, Edward resides with his wife Kelly and their baby girl Charlotte in Portsmouth. Even with all the stresses of becoming a first-time parent, Edward shows up to work every day with a smile on his face ready to work hard. He’s often thrown many different requests across departments and brands for his wide range of knowledge in data analyzing and is always willing to help out his coworkers without hesitation.

One fellow employee said, “Edward is always willing to jump in and complete what is asked of him to support the team. He is a true team player who also embodies the BFB core values very well. One that comes particularly to mind is Be Curious and Innovate. With Tableau, Edward is always identifying new ways to push out data to the team to drive value and insights."

In addition to his solid business analyst skills, Edward is also a master event planner. Each year for our company offsite retreat, Edward plays a large role in the planning and execution of the retreat, which is greatly appreciated. Edward is also the life of the party, making sure that everyone is having a good time.

Get to Know Edward Better

What are your pet peeves or interesting things about you that you dislike? I can't stand obnoxiously loud cars. Why do people enjoy making their car louder?! 

If you could visit any place in the world, where would you choose to go and why? A boat trip through the Mentawai's is high on the list. I'd also really like to see the gorillas in the mountains of Rwanda. 

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten? One time I was picking the heads off shrimp for a shrimp boil, and I found a squid head among the shrimp. My brothers paid me to eat it.


This holiday season, we are especially thankful for the gift of Edward, as he has greatly benefitted everyone in the company – from his willingness to jump into any difficult task thrown his way, to his ability to live out the company value of having fun. Thank you, Edward, for all that you do!