What’s the Buzz on Franchising: What a Franchisor Looks for in a Candidate

When seeking out potential franchise opportunities, it’s important to make sure that a franchisor is the right fit for you, but the franchisor also wants to make sure you are the right fit for them. There are several key qualities that franchisors look for in a franchise candidate to help them recognize if the person will be a strong business owner.

So how do you know if you’re a good fit? Here are a few core qualities that most franchisors will look for in candidates throughout the discovery process to give them a good idea if they’re solid franchisee material.

Is the franchise candidate a good fit in the long-term?

As the candidate goes through the discovery process, their demeanor throughout the various conversations will help the franchisor get a feel for if the person will be a beneficial partner in the long run. Their long-term vision for the business will also be important. Can this person see the big picture and stay focused on the overall vision instead of getting distracted by the short-term issues and setbacks?

Will the candidate be a strong brand ambassador? 

Once the person is in the franchise system, they will most likely talk with other potential candidates about their first-hand experiences with the brand. It’s important for the franchisor to gauge during the discovery process if the person will do a great job sharing the brand’s story and enthusiasm for the support they’re getting from the corporate team.

Does the candidate have dedication and drive?

Although the franchisor provides the tools to set up franchisees for success, at the end of the day, it’s up to that individual running their business to put in the hard work to succeed. When unexpected challenges arise, the franchisor needs to know that the candidate is going to have the drive to push through and put in the time to make it succeed. 

How are their management and people skills?

This is one of the most important traits that franchisors look for in candidates, as it will have a large impact of the success of their business. Will this candidate be able to manage employees in a way that will cultivate strong employee relationships and culture, resulting in better work as well as employee retention? Is this candidate good at conversation, which is a crucial skill when talking to customers? People skills are imperative in this role from both a management and a customer experience perspective.

Is the candidate process-oriented and a good listener?  

The reason franchise business models are successful is because they’ve put in the effort and research to refine systems and processes, so that franchisees can spend their time focused on running their business. If the candidate is on board following the business model in place and listening to guidance from their business coach and the corporate team, they will be on the path to success.

Does the candidate have a “PHD”? Aka, are they passionate, hungry and driven?

If a candidate doesn’t show that strong, initial desire to invest their all in a business, this can be a red flag to the franchisor. They should be excited to show they’re all in during the discovery process. If they don’t have that passion up front, how will they build that momentum to fuel them through the different stages of their business?

These are just some of the key elements franchisors look for in candidates throughout the discovery process. Hear about these noteworthy traits even further in the latest episode of What’s the Buzz in Franchising with Director of Franchising, Austin James.

To find out more about what franchisors look for and to hear more about the Buzz Franchise Brands opportunities available, feel free to reach out to franchising@buzzfranchisebrands.com.

Buzz Franchise Brands